Australian space innovations making an impact
Industry Showcase
Australian space innovations making an impact
Learn about the country’s unique, cutting-edge space technologies through our industry case studies and Space Spotlight series.
Conducting space activities
Australia’s space sector
Conducting space activities
We regulate Australian space and high-power rocket activities, and engage internationally on issues affecting space regulation.
Responsibility, sustainability and cooperation
Australia’s space sector
Responsibility, sustainability and cooperation
Safety, security and sustainability are core to growing a globally respected Australian space sector that meets international obligations and norms.
Explore the wonders of space at the Australian Space Discovery Centre
Learn and discover
Explore the wonders of space at the Australian Space Discovery Centre
Get hands on with space exhibits, hear from our Space Communicators, and learn about space careers pathways.

Launch your space career journey
Space careers
Launch your space career journey
Did you know there's much more to a career in space than being an astronaut? There's a whole galaxy of exciting career paths to follow right here on Earth…